Sophocles's classic Greek tragedy follows the aftermath of a civil war between Antigone’s two brothers. David Rush’s vibrant adaptation follows fiercely brave Antigone as …
Coney Island, 2012. In the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, Kate meets a charismatic Dutchman named Jaap, who’s making a film about a different disaster nearly …
A modern meditation on the Icarus tale, LIFTED is part absurdist family drama, part imaginative theatrical fantasia. In an environmentally ravaged near-future, birds have …
Based on the provocative tale of suspense, horror and repressed sexuality, this adaptation give the famous story yet another turn of its own. A young …
Abby, a precocious emo-goth teenager, orchestrates a surprise reunion for her mother Tanya and birth father Tom, with the help of her mom's fiance/healer John. …
We are excited to announce our Second Season Fall Production:
Miss Julie
By August StrindbergDirected by Elizabeth V. NewmanProduced by Stephanie MooreStarring: Shonagh Smith; Brennan Patrick & Diana Rose
In MISS JULIE, passion and sexual desire collide with class and gender warfare during a Midsummer's Eve celebration in 1880's Sweden.
[photos: FIligree Theatre]
When an African-American “deserter” wanders into the camp of the Irish Brigade near Gettysburg, conflicts intensify, but the "Buffalo Soldier" carries with him an old …
Directed by Elizabeth V. Newman
Betrayal is a play written by Harold Pinter in 1978. Critically regarded as one of the English playwright's major dramatic works, …