Suddenly Last Summer
by Filigree Theatre
Oct. 04 - Oct. 20
Tennessee Williams’ shocking drama, set in 1930’s New Orleans, follows troubled young socialite Catharine Holly. Catharine is the only witness willing to speak up about terrible events that unfolded in Spain the summer prior while traveling with her Cousin Sebastian. Violet Venable, Sebastian’s mother, a Grande Dame of the affluent Garden District, wants Catharine, and her lurid story, silenced at any cost.
In Suddenly Last Summer, where every character’s real agenda lie hidden, masked behind society’s expectations, the truth is as illusory as looking through a glass - a mirror - darkly.
“Suddenly Last Summer is not an easy play,” said Director Elizabeth V. Newman. “It delves into some dark corners of human nature and asks us to hold a mirror up to ourselves - what masks do we wear? Which ones do we - knowing or unknowing - compel others to wear? Drawing heavily on the use of imagery and symbolism, the play also takes a hard look at the idea of Truth and the complex intersection of Truth and Power and Privilege: whose narrative is worth believing and whose story - whose truth - is given voice. Though it was written in the 1950’s and set in the 1930’s, these complex issues are still with us and the stakes are still just as high.”
Suddenly Last Summer
by Tennessee Williams
Filigree Theatre
October 04 - October 20, 2024
October 4 - 20, 2024
Thursdays - Sundays
Factory on Fifth, Austin