A Midsummer Night's Dream
by Shakespeare at Winedale

Aug. 22, 2015

A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM -- Lord, what fools these mortals be! - III.ii

Hermia loves Lysander and Helena loves Demetrius – but Demetrius is supposed to marry Hermia. When the Duke of Athens tries to enforce the marriage, the lovers take refuge in the woods, only to wander into a fight between the king and queen of the fairies. Magic and mischief in the moonlight make for one of Shakespeare’s most popular comedies about love and a donkey.

Proceeds for both performances will go to support the Winedale Historical Center and Ima Hogg's original vision for the beautiful Winedale property, with funds ear-marked for improvements to the comfort and stability of the historical theater barn at the WInedale Historical Center which serves also as the home of Shakespeare at Winedale.

A Midsummer Night's Dream
by William Shakespeare
Shakespeare at Winedale

August 22, 2015
Henkel Hall Event Center
201 N. Live Oak
Round Top, TX, 78954

Commemorating the 50th Anniversary of Miss Ima's gift to Winedale and in celebration of the 45th Anniversary of the founding of Shakespeare at Winedale by Dr. James Ayres, the "45th Reunion Players" are performing Much Ado About Nothing and A Midsummer Night's Dream on Friday, August 21, and Saturday, August 22, respectively. 

Tickets are $25 for A Midsummer Night's Dream, performed in the Henkel Hall in Henkel Square. To make reservations for this special performance, To make reservations for this special performance, please contact Shakespeare at Winedale founding director, James "Doc" Ayres at jayres@cvctx.com. 

[For details about the performance of Much Ado About Nothing on Friday, go to: https://www.facebook.com/events/1474407199546077/ ]