Productions by Congregation Agudas Achim

Feb. 29 - Mar. 01, 2020
A Hard Day's Night in the Shushan - A Beatles Purim Operetta by Congregation Agudas Achim

A Hard Day's Night in the Shushan - A Beatles Purim Operetta
by Congregation Agudas Achim

Across the Jewniverse. Fifty-four hilarious Beatles parodies, that together tell the story of Queen Esther. Performed by an amazingly musically-talented cast, accompanied by Austin icon …

Mar. 17, 2019
Esther the Clever Queen by Congregation Agudas Achim

Esther the Clever Queen
by Congregation Agudas Achim

Just in time for the Jewish festival of Purim comes a Gilbert and Sullivan-inspired musical of the Book of Esther.  With music selections from Pirates of …