CTX 3732. We want YOU! to become a member of Austin's B. Iden Payne Theatre Awards Council. Recruiting open through June, 2024.

Letter from the President

(www.bidenpayneawards.org)I've had a number of conversations lately with people we regularly see filling the seats at our local performances. All too often, they say they didn't think they have enough experience, advanced degrees, etc. to even think about joining the Council.

I assure you, they are wrong. 

Many members of our Council hold advanced theatre degrees in theatre and teach at local colleges and universities. We don't necessarily need more academics around our table. We are looking for more people who adore theatre. People who are passionate about making imaginary worlds and sharing them with strangers. Folks who are involved in making and participating in that work in every possible way. Folks who make space in their busy schedules to see the work of others, and are excited about lifting up great work.

If any of this sounds like you, we've got a seat for you at our table for the 2024-2025 season. We can promise that you'll get to see some absolutely incredible theatre, and that you'll get to celebrate that work in a measurable way.

We extend an invitation to you to see how we operate, how we frame the work we do, and offer feedback on how we can better achieve our goals.

Recruitment is open through the end of June, and we are excited to make space for more voices in our organization and in our community.

Click here right now to sign up for an interview slot.

Feel free to respond to this email with any questions you might have, or ask questions of any of our members if you see them at a show. We also invite you to peruse our Council Member Code of Conduct

As always, we invite your feedback.

Until next time, see you at the theatre!