KLRU Interview of Prakash Mohandas of Agni Entertainment, Producing MY BIG FAT INDIAN WEDDING

Arts In Context

Agni is the Sanskrit word for fire, the elemental phenomenon that is all-consuming, raw energy. That vibrant energy is what drives Prakash Mohandas, founder of Agni The Dance Company, his approach to choreography, and his desire to provide performing arts education. Mohandas and his team bring together people of all ethnicities and break down cultural barriers as they participate in musically inspired Bollywood choreography. 



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The Big Fat Indian Wedding
by Agni Productions
Agni Entertainment

September 06 - September 09, 2018
Mueller Center
4550 Mueller Central Drive
Austin, TX, 78723

Site-specific erformances at 7 p.m.

Tickets $25 - $53, available on-line via TicketSpice (click HERE). 

(via Agni Entertainment)