Waco Civic Theatre

The Beginning
The roots of the Waco Civic Theatre date back to the 1920's when the work of many enlightened citizens combined to form the Waco Little Theatre (WLT), which operated from 1925 to 1936. 

Its Own Entity
In 1945, then chairman of the Baylor University Drama Department Dr. Paul Baker and a team of WLT participants worked to reform the organization that would take the shape of Waco Civic Theatre (WCT) three years later. Dr. Baker collaborated with architect James Hull Miller of Shreveport, LA, to design and build the new WCT at its current locale. So noteworthy was the success of their teamwork that the new theatre was commended in 1963 by the Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects as one of the three best-designed theatres of its kind in the United States. Over the years, WCT has undergone several additions and renovations, thanks to grants and donations by the Cooper Foundation; the Waco Foundation; and Mr. Frank Baird, Jr. of Buffalo, NY in an endowment honoring his mother, Mrs. Flora Cameron Baird.

Today, WCT produces six Main Stage Productions, ranging from works by William Shakespeare to Tracy Letts to Ken Ludwig. Additionally, aspiring local artists, theatre professionals, educators, and youth work in partnership to produce children's theatre workshops and productions and outreach programs. 
Mission Statement
The Mission of the Waco Civic Theatre, a non-profit organization, is to provide the Heart of Texas community with quality live theatre, to create an outlet for community education and participation in all aspects of productions, and to instill in the community a sense of pride and ownership in the theatre.

Board of Directors
Phillip Bridgewater – President 
Mary Ann Riggs  - Vice President 
Michelle Downs - Treasurer 
George Boyd- Secretary 
Larry Carpenter - Past President 
David McLatcher
Win Emmons, III
Erin Shank 

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Contact Information

 1517 Lake Air Drive, Waco, TX 76710

(254) 776-1591

Box Office Hours Monday - Friday 2 - 5 p.m.