Young Playwrights for Change
by Zach Theatre

Mar. 23 - Mar. 30 (2016)

Austin Theatre Peeps: I am looking for some actors for an upcoming reading at ZACH Theatre for the Young Playwrights for Change Competition, a middle school play-writing competition. I need 3 actors who are South-Asian (specifically Pakistani), 1 Male, 1 Female, and a younger boy. It is for an awesome play about 2 families who overcome their differences and cultural misunderstandings and connect over a shared meal. They need to be available on Saturday, April 30th for a short rehearsal and the staged reading at 5 pm. Please have interested folks PM me or email me at


ZACH Theatre is a regional host site for a national competition called the Young Playwrights for Change with by The American Alliance for Theatre & Education and Theatre for Young Audiences/ USA This competition is for middle school students to write plays about a social justice topic.