The Stalker
by Emily Kathleen

Dec. 24 - Jan. 07 (2022)

The Stalker by Emily Kathleen is a two-person play in which Emily and her angel discuss the abuse that Emily suffered in life.

Two interns needed for Creative Collaborations play THE STALKER set to premiere March 7 and 8th, 2023 at the Trinity theatre in Austin TX.   The play is a sponsored project under Austin Creative Alliance. It raises awareness on issues of domestic violence and stalking. Teaches you self advocacy as a victim. There is no pay but gas card, free tickets to the show  and credit offered. Tax write off given from Austin Creative Alliance if need for your taxes. 

Interns will help assist producer and director Emily Kathleen on the play.

1st -Intern will be responsible to run lights and sound cues for the show on March 7 and 8th. Tech for the show is March 7th and the show is March 8th. Intern must know how to use basic theatre light board lights up lights down black box theatre and run basic sound cues off sound board plug in there computer to pull up sound sues. Must have experience working both. 1st intern will be responsible setting up the stage before tech with the director march 7 and the day of the show March 8th. Set is simple 2 chairs stage left 1 chairs stage right and folding table upstage. Intern will set actors props before the show. Props are simple signs that are organized in 3 basics under each chair on the stage. Intern will be showed what to do and must set up the stage before tech march 7th  and before the show march 8th. Must be able to be friendly, a people pleasure, focus and multi task well. 
For 1st intern we are offering $80 gas card and 10 free tickets to the show. You must be able to work march 7 and 8th both days times TDB must be free all day

2nd- Intern will be responsible to take tickets and usher audience members to there seats the day of the show. The day of the show March 8th time Tbd must be free all day. Intern will also be responsible for giving welcome speech to audience before the show telling them about the show and telling them to turn off there cell phones at the show. Letting them know its as listening room show and no talking allowed during the show.  They must also help coordinate with Safe Austin advocates who will be setting up a booth at the show before the audience gets there and help introduce safe Austin and cast of the stalker at the q and a directly after the show. This is great for someone who has host experience and can be a great host and people pleasure. Must be able to be friendly, a people pleasure, focus and multi task well. 
2nd- intern we are offering $40 gas card and 5 free tickets to the show. You must be able to work March 8th times TDB must be free all day

Both interns must help clean up the theatre after the show with the cast by making sure the theatre is cleaner than the way we left it. This will be a team effort all show is on the show cast and crew. We will also ask the audience to take any garbage and clean up after themself before they leave by making sure there seats are free of garbage.