by San Antonio Broadway Theatre

Aug. 01 - Aug. 12 (2022)

Set in the East Village of New York City, Rent is about falling in love, finding your voice and living fortoday. Based loosely on Puccini's La Boheme, Jonathan Larson's Rent follows a year in the life of agroup of impoverished young artists and musicians struggling to survive and create in New York'sLower East Side, under the shadow of HIV/AIDS. The physical and emotional complications of thedisease pervade the lives of Roger, Mimi, Tom and Angel. Maureen deals with her chronic infidelitythrough performance art; her partner, Joanne, wonders if their relationship is worth the trouble.Benny has sold out his Bohemian ideals in exchange for a hefty income and is on the outs with hisformer friends. Mark, an aspiring filmmaker, feels like an outsider to life in general. How these youngbohemians negotiate their dreams, loves and conflicts provides the narrative thread to thisgroundbreaking musical.



San Antonio Broadway Theatre
San Antonio, TX


Lauren Cosio Kotkowski


Equity Guest Artist Contract- Tier 1
$365/wk min

$250/wk min

PERSONNEL:Book, Music and Lyrics by Jonathan LarsonExecutive Producer: Lauren Cosio KotkowskiDirector and Choreographer: Alex Rodriguez
Music Director: Josh Pepper

COVID SAFETY: All employees must be fully vaccinated (as defined by the CDC). All COVID-19 rules and procedures shall be subject to change as new developments in health and safety continue to evolve. 

SEEKING:Equity and non-equity actors for all principal and ensemble roles in Rent.Ensemble to play multiple roles as well as understudy principal roles.
Local San Antonio actors encouraged to submit.

AUDITION DATES:08/12/2022: Video submissions due08/22/2022: Callbacks due (self-tape)08/27 - 08/29: Final callbacks (zoom)

PRODUCTION DATES:11/04/2022: Rehearsals begin11/12/2022: Tech begins11/16/2022: Preview11/17/2022: Opening11/19/2022: Closing

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS:Please prepare 16-32 bars of a song that reflects the style of the show or character you’re auditioningfor. Singing from the show is also welcomed. Email your video link, headshot, and resume to (insertemail here) .We encourage you to include any performance or dance reels that would help us get toknow you and your talent in a deeper way. Please note in your email if you play any instruments.

Roger Davis: A struggling musician with a former addiction. Mark’s roommate in the loft. Battleswith being HIV-positive. Struggles to let others in. Strong rock tenor. Guitar skills are a plus. 20s.Male. Any ethnicity.

Mark Cohen: Filmmaker and video artist. Knee deep in his own soul-searching. Roger’s roommate inthe loft. Navigating loneliness and finding his purpose. Narrator. 20s. Male. Any ethnicity.

Tom Collins: A computer genius and liberal professor. He is a nurturer with a smooth and relaxeddisposition. Radiates warmth. Used to be a roommate in the loft. HIV-positive. Strong baritone with arich soul/r&b sound. 20s-40s. Male. Black/BIPOC.

Benjamin Coffin III: The landlord of Mark and Roger's apartment building. A former roommate inthe loft, Benny traded in his personal morals for power and wealth. 20s-30s. Male. Black/BIPOC.

Joanne Jefferson: A public interest lawyer and headstrong lesbian. She is smart and purposeful in allher decisions. Carries on a tumultuous relationship with Maureen. 20s-40s. Female, Black/BIPOC.

Angel Dumott Schunard: The eccentric HIV-positive street drummer. A drag queen with anincredible gift of dance and a magnetic personality. The glue that holds it all together. He becomesTom's lover. Good dancer/mover. Comfortable dancing in heels. 20s-30s. Male, non binary, or genderfluid. Latiné/BIPOC.

Mimi Marquez: An exotic dancer dealing with addictions. HIV-positive. Sickly. She conceals it all ather job in the local strip club. She lives in the same building as the loft. Good dancer/mover. 20s.Female. Latiné/BIPOC.

Maureen Johnson: An unpredictably zany performance artist. Maureen oozes sexuality and used tolive in the loft. She has recently dumped Mark for Joanne. 20s-30s. Female. Any ethnicity.

Ensemble: Homeless Men & Women; Junkies, Parents (Mrs. Cohen, Mr. & Mrs. Jefferson); SupportGroup (Steve, Gordon). Ensemble members to understudy principal roles. Strong vocalists.Comfortable movers. Local Talent Only

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encouragesall its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promotea positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, genderidentities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

San Antonio Broadway Theatre and the creative team behind Rent are committed to adiverse, inclusive, equitable, and representative space and practice. Along with Actor’sEquity, we encourage performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well asperformers with disabilities, to submit.


Nov 4, 2022 - Nov 20, 2022




AEA Guest Artist Contract-Tier 1 $365/wk



(or click HERE go to the Playbill audition listing and click on email link at bottom of page)


[image from University of Missouri production]